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  30 غ

30 غ

< Ʈ> | (NEWRUN)

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å α׷ ġ ȵǽó?å α׷  ġ


ϻȰ ˷ִ 30 غ. I need ϳ ð ʿء ھ߰ھ ִ ó 1 پ ǹ̸ ִ. ⺻ ǹ̺ ϰ ṉ̀ ذش.

å 30 Ƽ ϻ ȭ , ֵ ش. ⿡ ȭ, å, , , ͺ Ȳ ִ ܾ Բ Ȱ Ȱ ֵ Ͽ.

MP3 Ŀ´Ƽ cafe.naver.com/newrun ٿε ִ.


ȭ ǥ Ҹ  α׷ ⿬ڷ ڸű 1966 ̱ ĶϾ Ŭ ¾, ̱ University of California at Berkeley ϴ 1988 б д翡 ƽþ ϸ ó ѱ Ȱ ߴ. 1991, ѱ Ȱ б ƽþ ġ ѱ ΰ ̿ 4 ڳ ΰ ִ.

Ⱓ EBS α׷ ̺ ڷ Ȱϴ , OUN, Ƹ TV α׷ ѱ 鿡 ´ н Ϸ µ ʾҴ. Ȱ ܿ ѽŴб, б л ġ⸦ , 뿡 ؼ ѱ ȭ õ Դ. ̹б , EBS TV ױ۸ ī䡹 г þҰ, EBS RadioEasy English ϰ ִ. Ưġ ȫ̴.

Easy English, ׸ ũ ÷, ʱ޿ ϱ ȸȭ ϡ, ȸȭ ذ 119 ȸȭ, ʱ޿ 10 Ƽ Ѵ١, ϱ ̺ ȸȭ ڳ⡻, ִϾ д õڹ ִ.

01 I'm...
I'm a designer. ̳ʿ. I'm at Starbucks. Ÿ ־. I'm excited. ų. I am eating. Դ ̾. I'm going to the gym. Ϸ .

02 I have...
I have an MP3 player. MP3÷̾ ־. I have a cold. ɷȾ. I have to go. . I have to check my e-mail. ̸ Ȯؾ߰ڴ. I have to take out some money. ̾ƾ.

Can I go? ? Can I play that game? ص ſ? Can I help you? ٱ? Can I go to the bathroom? ȭ ? Can I start to work on the project? Ʈ ص dz?

04 I like...
I like her. ְ . I like dogs. . I like swimming. . I like to play computer games. ǻ . I like when you cook. װ 丮ָ .

05 What time...
What time are you going? ÿ ? What time does it open? ? What time did Lost start? νƮ Ѱž? What time will you come? ž? What time can you make it? ϼ?

06 What are you
What are you doing now? ? What are you doing tonight? 㿡 ? What are you going to do tomorrow? ? What are you thinking about? ϰ ִ? What are you planning to wear? ž?

07 Do you know...
Do you know the answer? ? Do you know what this means? ̰ ǹ ƴ? Do you Know where the bank is? ? Do you know when she was born? ¾ ˰ ִ? Do you know how to turn it on?  Ѵ ƴ?

08 I was...
I was a teenager then. ׶ ʴ뿴. I was pleased. Ҿ. I was always helpful. ׻ ־. I was thinking about you. ߾. I was on the phone. ȭ ̾.

09 How often...
How often is it? 󸶳 ? How often does the train come? 󸶳 Ϳ? How often did she visit? 󸶳 鷶? How often will you take that class? 󸶳 ž? How often has it happened? 󸶳 ־ ̴?

10 I don't know...
I don't know the title. . I don't know when it happened. Ͼ 𸣰ڳ. I don't know where we should meet. 𸣰ڳ. I don't know what they will do. . I don't know who she is. .

11 Can you...
Can you cook? 丮 ˾? Can you speak Spanish? ξ ϴ? Can you play basketball well? ? Can you please pick me up? ¿ֶ. Can you try to do it? ְھ?

12 Do you want...
Do you want a beer? Ƿ? Do you want some fries? Ƣ ԰ ? Do you want to leave? ;? Do you want to read this magazine? а ? Do you want to meet at seven o?lock? 7ÿ ?

13 I need...
I need a cookie. Ű ٷ? I need good grades. ޾ ھ. I need to sleep. ھ߰ھ. I need to lose weight. . I need to go to the hospital. ߰ھ.

14 What kind of...
What kind of pizza do you want? ԰ ;? What kind of clothes do you like?  Ÿ ϴ? What kind of man is he? ? What kind of answer is that? װ Ҹ? What kind of songs can she sing?  뷡 ҷ?

15 How was...
How was your day? ? How was the DVD? DVD ? How was she? ? How was talking to him? ̶ غ ? How was it to go there? ű ?

16 I want to...
I want to play a game. ϰ ͳ. I want to take it with me. ;. I want to visit Miami. ֹ̾ ;. I want to make some pasta. ĽŸ Ϸ. I want to do that. ϰ ;.

17 Why...
Why are you so quiet? ׷ ? Why do you think so? ׷ ? Why did you come here? Դ ž? Why will you go there? ű ϴ? Why must we do that? װ ؾ ϴµ?

18 I plan to...
I plan to go there. ű . I plan to eat at a restaurant. ܽ ұ . I plan to study for the TOEIC test. Ϸ. I plan to work there someday. ű⼭ Ϸ. I plan to try it again tomorrow. ٽ غž.

19 Have you ever...
Have you ever done that? Ȥ װ غ̳? Have you ever seen Jo In-Seong? Ȥ μ ־? Have you ever gone to India? ε ô? Have you ever eaten Thai food? ± Ծþ? Have you ever tried snowboarding? 뺸 Ÿ þ?

20 I can't believe...
I can't believe it. . I can't believe the results. . I can't believe you did that. װ ׷ٴ . I can't believe how lucky I am. ̷ ٴ! I can't believe what I just heard. ⸦ .

21 Don't forget...
Please don't forget my name. ̸ . Please don't forget about the meeting. . Please don't forget to call me tomorrow. ȭϴ . Don't forget meeting him. . Don't forget I want to buy that. ʹٰ ȵ.

22 I'm sorry...
I'm sorry for being late. ʾ ̾. I'm sorry to be upset. ȭ ̾. I'm sorry about the noise. Ҷ ˼ؿ. I'm sorry, but I have no time. ̾ ð . I'm sorry I made a mistake. Ǽؼ ̾.

23 Thank you for...
Thank you for this opportunity. ̷ ȸ ִٴ . Thank you for the cookies. Ű . Thank you for coming. ༭ . Thank you for coming to the party. Ƽ ༭ . Thank you for always being there. ׻ 翡 ־༭ .

24 I was about to... 150
I was about to leave. ̾. I was about to call you. ȭϷ ߾. I was about to go to work. Ϸ ߾. I was about to do this report. ̾. I was about to start working on it. װ Ϸ ̾.

25 How much, How many...
How much is this digital camera? ī 󸶿? How many are there? ű⿡ ̳ ־? How much do you want? 󸶳 ʿ? How much time do you have? ð ־? How many people are in his family? ı ̳ Ǵ?

26 I'm not sure...
I'm not sure about it. Ȯ ʾƿ. I'm not sure if I can go. 𸣰ھ. I'm not sure when our appointment is. Ȯġ ʾ. I'm not sure who is going. 𸣰ھ. I'm not sure where it is. װ 𸣰ھ.

27 I wonder...
I wonder about that problem. Ǿ. I wonder if that? correct. װ ´ 𸣰ھ. I wonder when we can get together. 𸣰ھ. I wonder what to do. ؾ 𸣰ھ. I wonder where to go. ?

28 Isn't it...
Isnt it the answer? װ ƴϾ? Isn't it time to go home? ð ƴϾ? Isn't it great? ? Isn't it exciting? ų ʾ? Isn't it starting soon? ϴ ƴϾ?

29 I'm trying...
I'm trying my best. ּ ϴ ̾. I'm trying the idea. ̵ غ. I'm trying again. ٽ غ ־. I'm trying to finish this puzzle. ϴ ̾. I'm trying everything I can think of. ִ õ ̾.

30 That depends on...
That depends on what time it starts. ϴĿ ޷Ⱦ. That depends on when you're eating. . That depends on where you're going. ޷. That depends on how much time I have. ð 󸶳 Ǵ³Ŀ ޷. That depends on why you want to talk to me. ڴ ޶.


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(ѱ 40̳)
 ۼ ۼ õ

ϵ ϴ.