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  • ҳິ
    < >,< ڹ̾ ġ... | ٸ(Ӻ)
Ϸ 10 ٷ  ǥ

Ϸ 10 ٷ ǥ

<ϳ> | ȭǻ

13 M
3, 0, 0
å α׷ ġ ȵǽó?å α׷  ġ


̱ ٷ Դ ǥ !
ϻ, , б 7 پ Ȳ!
ª ȭ 100 ǥ!

'Ϸ 10 ٷ ǥ' ٸϴ.
𼭳  ֵ
'ª ȭ' ߽ϴ.

1ܰ 3ܰ н ֵ
, δ ϴ.
Ϸ翡 1 ǥ
Ƿ Ѵܰ ö Դϴ.


1 ϻ
1. Break a leg! !
2. Can you fill me in on that? װ ˷ ٷ?
3. I had a blind date. Ұ ߾.
4. I'm into rock music. մϴ.
5. Let's keep in touch. ؿ.
6. Time flies when you're having fun. ð 𸣰ھ.
7. Don't chicken out! ̸ !
8. What's eating you? Ϸ ϰ ־?
9. I'm starving. .
10. How much do I owe you? 󸶸 ƾ ?
11. Buzz off! !
12. I can't wait to see you. ô ; ھ.
13. I heard you're off to N.Y. N.Y ٸ鼭?
14. My grandmother passed away. ҸӴϴ ư̾.
15. The sooner, the better. ƿ.
16. Think nothing of it. Ű .
17. I can't think of it right off hand. ʳ׿.
18. It's a small world. ƿ.
19. Calm down! ħ!
20. It's a piece of cake! װ Ա!
21. Take care. .
22. Drop me a line. ҽ ˷.
23. Long time no see. ̴.
24. I'm broke. ͸.
25. Are you two acquainted? ƴ ΰ?
26. She's a little edgy. ׳ Ű ؿ.
27. You've got an ear for music. ǿ ñ.
28. Where are you headed? ΰ?
29. She never showed up. ׳ Ÿ ʾҾ.
30. I can't pinpoint it.  ׿.
31. I don't have the slightest idea. 𸣰ڽϴ.
32. There you go again. ̳.
33. It doesn't make any difference. ƹ .
34. You name the place. װ .
35. I'm fed up with hamburger. ܹŶ Ⱦ.
36. What do you need this for? ̰ Ϸ?
37. Page me. ȣ ϼ.
38. Get out of here! ͹Ͼ!
39. I blew it. ĹȾ.
40. Stick around. ־.
41. I weigh a hundred fifty. Դ 150ĿԴϴ.
42. I do a mile run. 1Ͼ ޷.
43. Way to go! ߾!
44. Merry X-mas! ޸ ũ!
45. Be my guest!  ϼ!
46. what took you so long? ̷ ž?
47. What's up?  ?
48. I'm through with him. ׿ʹ .
49. Where am I? Ⱑ ?
50. I locked myself out. ܼ  .
51. We're a lot alike, you and I. 츰 ƿ.
52. I beg your pardon? ٽ ̾߱ ٷ?
53. How was it? ?
54. Watch your mouth! !
55. I tossed and turned all night. ô.
56. This is really cool! !
57. Not that I know of. ˱δ ƴϾ.
58. Are you guys going steady? ̾?
59. I taught myself. ȥ .
60. Could you keep an eye on my bag? ֽðھ?
61. She had it coming. ׳ ȥ ߾.
62. I missed lunch today. Ծ.
63. You have nothing to lose. ݾ.
64. What are your New Year's resolutions? ǥ ΰ?
65. That's tacky. װ ̽.
66. I'm being helped. ٸ ְ ־.
67. I'll charge it. ī ҰԿ.
68. May I see your winter line? ܿ ǰ ֳ?
69. What time is the checkout? üũƿ ð ?
70. Can I have the receipt, please? ֽðھ?
71. Can I have this gift wrapped? ֽðھ?
72. I'm just looking around. ׳ ѷ Դϴ.
73. It's really you. .
3 , б
74. I'm returning your call. ȭϼ̴ٸ鼭.
75. Let's wrap it up. ̸ սô.
76. It's settled. , ƴ.
77. Hold on a minute. ٷ ּ.
78. I'm brushing up on my English.  ϰ ־.
79. Let's call it a day. ̸ ġ.
80. What's your major? ?
81. So far so good. ݱ ǰ ־.
82. That's right up my alley. ¾ƿ.
83. See you in the morning. .
84. I'm getting carsick. ֹ̰ ׿.
85. Where to, sir? , մ?
86. I feel like throwing up! ƿ!
5 Ĵ
87. How do you drink your coffee? ĿǸ  ó?
88. I'd like to make a toast. 츮 ǹϽ.
89. Is this seat taken? ڸ ֳ?
90. Are you all set? ( ) غ Ǿ?
91. What's your favorite dish?  丮 ؿ?
92. I have a cavity. ̰ .
93. I ache all over. ¸ ʴϴ.
94. Things are looking up. ֽϴ.
95. I have a runny nose. ๰ .
96. I got sun-burned. ޺ ȭ Ծ.
97. Do you have reservations? ϼ̳?
98. I just want to get a trim. ݸ ٵ ּ.
99. Fill her up, please. ⸧ ä ּ.
100. When can I pick it up? ã ?


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(ѱ 40̳)
 ۼ ۼ õ

ϵ ϴ.